
Dear Readers, It was with some hesitation that I decided to keep this last couple weeks of light travel to myself. An attempt at a total disconnect, an unplug. No news, no social media, (to speak of, man what a habit that is, for real),…

Ole’ Man Moving In

’Ole man winter began his arrival with moisture (rain, hail, sleet, snow; it all came down) and some drop in temperature and we “fell back” via daylight savings the weekend before the final tour of the Chamber series, “Getting to Know Idaho City” (Better). The…

Celebrating the Season

Halloween Eve was a perfect day for the fourth tour in the Idaho City Chamber of Commerce Fall Series, Getting to Know Idaho City (Better). Walulla’s Coffee and Bake was our launching point. Bill and Connie took good care of us. Connie used her culinary…

Tour 3; Number two for me

This past Monday my Idaho City business (BoCo Sluice Box) was the “host” for the kick off of the third in the Idaho City Chamber Fall Tour Series. The day started out miserable, not raining (or snowing) anymore but chilly and overcast. I had announced…

Denver days

After landing we said our good byes to the kids and made our way to get our truck from the Red Lion parking lot and get to our room at the Doubletree, always a worthwhile chain in our experience. My honey had more biz and we had our…

Time for some biz

Arriving in Denver via the I-25 late Wednesday we chose a nondescript hotel adjacent to downtown for ease of access to the meetings on the agenda. These meetings are with the same restaurant group as took us on our travels to Nashville late 2016. We are hoping for good new…

January is going to drag on!

Last week wound down with bitter cold temps and snow and flooding from Reno to Boise and on up this mountain. The kids and grandkids arrived for a visit. Momma and Dadda were here for Friday night and then some of Saturday but decided to brave the…